Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dremel Trio Winner!!!

Ok, I know you have all been checking back here every single day to see who the winner is- so I won't keep you in suspense much longer. Thank you to everyone who entered the Dremel Trio Giveaway; I hope everyone also enjoyed the Dremel Twitter Chat last week, lots of great prizes were given away there as well.

Now without further adeiu the winner of the Dremel Trio is:

Dremel Trio Giveaway
3rd drawing held by Rachelle Falcon
Completed on Tuesday, 30 August 2011 at 02:51:24 UTC
48 entrants, 1 winner

Winners (1)
1st: 17

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said... 17

I friended Dremel on FB!

Congratulations Sharon!! I can't wait to see what amazing projects your able to complete with it. Please forward me your contact info so I can send it to the Dremel Company.

If you missed the Twitter Chat last week with Dremel & Chip Wade he'll be on their Facebook Page today to answer any of you building/ project questions!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Rachelle! What a cool giveaway! I can't wait to see what fun stuff I can do now!


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