Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Accessorize Your Home For Free

Lately I have been finding that if I want any sort of accessories for my home I've been turning to projects I can make for free or recycling objects I already have. This is partly because of the fact that we live over an hour from the nearest a home decor store and we're always trying to save money.

While doing some Spring/ Easter decorating this was also true. So it made me think that I'd round up some accessory ideas that you can make for free.

Mother Nature is always willing to lend a hand in your decorating adventures.

Branches spray painted white make a bold statement anywhere in your home. 

Here's one that I picked up and painted the other day:

You can also leave branches natural. I used a branch as my Easter Tree on my mantle instead of buying one from the store. Still needs a few more "ornaments" but we're working on it.

Martha Stewart shows us how to use pine cones in lots of different ways for some Fall/Winter Decorating:

A scrap of lumber leftover from a past project can become a Wood Tealight Holder.

And along those same lines, a thick branch from a tree can also serve as a homemade tealight holder:

I also love all the great art people come up with using paint chips:

Recycling things that would otherwise be thrown away is a great way to accessorize your home. Wine bottles are one of the first things that come to my mind. Here's a link to great round up of Wine Bottle Crafts and a few inspiration images:

Or how about sprucing up something you already have? I am digging these paint dipped wooden spoons!

Spicing up everyday items in your home instead of buying new:

Or reusing something you have no use for anymore in a new way. Like old sweaters turned into cozy pillows.

I feel like I could go on and on forever but hopefully these ideas will get your wheels turning. Next time your thinking of heading out to the store to buy an accessory for your home take a look around first; you never know what you might find or cool idea you might come up with!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachelle, Thank you so much for stopping by & for your sweet comment. Your branches turned out great!

    Warmly, MIchelle


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