Monday, May 28, 2012

What I've been Up To & Giveaway Winners!

Hello All! I hope everyone had a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend. I wanted to say a special "Thank You!" to all our Military Members past and present; especially my military man!

We've been out of town for over a week- hence my blog silence over the last few days.

We went down to our old stomping grounds in San Antonio. The Hubs had training and The Con Man and I tagged along for the ride. Here are a few highlights from our trip:

Dinner on the Riverwalk

San Antonio Zoo

Sea World

And for Memorial Day Weekend my MIL came in town. We went over to Medicine Park, OK to hang out at the natural bathing hole and drove through the Wildlife Refuge.

The buffalo were roaming across the field...

And across the street!

And what you really came here for- the winners of the contest that were held last week!

CameraBag2 Giveaway Winners! There were 5 liscences to giveaway so here are the 5 winners as chosen by


CameraBag2 Giveaway
8th drawing held by Rachelle Falcon
Completed on Tuesday, 29 May 2012 at 03:38:30 UTC
11 entrants, 5 winners

Winners (5)
 1st: 6
 2nd: 3
 3rd: 9
 4th: 11
 5th: 7

✿ⒹⒺⒺ✿@ A Lapin Life said... 6
How exciting! I would love to be enter in the contest. The pictures look fantastic!!!

Kari M. said... 3
I follow CameraBag2 on twitter.
sophiepeanut said... 9
I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance!
Anonymous said... 11
I would love to win this as I am not super swift on PhotoShop!

Gail said... 7
I would really like this. Thanks.

PrintRunner Giveaway
9th drawing held by Rachelle Falcon
Completed on Tuesday, 29 May 2012 at 03:51:31 UTC
5 entrants, 1 winner
Winners (1)
1st: 4
Nicole Buckingham said... 4
Oh, I would promote, promote, promote.

Stopping by to say "hi" from the Aloha Friday Hop. Thanks so much for joining the fun.



  1. Wow San Antonio looks amazing!! That first photo looks like that part of Amsterdam that's always in the movies!!!
    Glad you had a fun time and good to have you back!!

  2. Hi Rachelle
    Wow!This is great.Thank you so much.You can contact me at

  3. San Antonio is my husband's favorite city in Texas. He goes there for business a lot and loves it, I can't wait to go there with him some day :)It looks so gorgeous!

  4. Hi Rachelle,

    San Antonio looks like an amazing place to visit.

    The buffalo seems so close. I've only seen them at a distance at the zoo:)

    Congratulations to all the winners!



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