Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dremel Weekends: Colorful Wall Hanger DIY

Today I wanted to share with you a DIY project that could make your kiddo do this:

(This is his surprised face BTW)

A few weeks ago I was contacted by the awesome folks over a Dremel to see if I wanted to take part in one of their Dremel Weekends projects. If you haven't been to the Dremel Website lately they have a lot of cool ideas that can be completed in a weekend. From crafty, to DIY and outdoor projects. The skill level ranges from beginner to expert- so there is something for everyone!

I choose to tackle the Wooden Wall Hanger project. I knew it was something that we could use around our house as Con-Man's backpack and hats (which usually get thrown in the laundry room since we don't have a real mudroom) and I'd be able to try out my new SawMax!!

I found this project pretty easy to complete and won't bore you with a lot of details because the directions they have on the website are straightforward and very easy to follow.

First cuts with the new Saw-Max! I have to say the Saw Max was easy to learn how to use and worked great. It cut through the wood and metal with no problem and the grip/ on off switch was intuitive and easy to get the hang of. This is a great saw- especially handy if like me you don't have a lot of space or money to invest in a large mitre saw.

After all my straight cuts were made I lined them up to see how I wanted the final layout.

Next up was cutting the actual hangers. They rotate in and out so they needed a 45 degree angle at the bottom. I don't have a true mitre guide so I rigged one up:

Again the Saw-Max was great at cutting, even the angle cuts!

After all my wood was cut I painted them all. The directions say to paint/stain at the end but since mine were all different colors I choose to paint them individually first. I used leftover paint from my myriad of paint projects!

Then I started drilling the holes where the support rod would thread through. I pretty much eyeballed this since the slats are supposed to be staggered anyway.

Once that was all finished it was time to glue onto the support beam. I glued all the slats (except the ones that move!) Then added hooks to hang it on. For added support I put wall anchors in the wall since the finished wall hook was somewhat heavy.

And the finished product! 

Hooks closed

Hooks Open

Now Con-Man had his own place to hang his backpack, hat, and soon his sweaters with winter coming soon. He was really excited to see it all finished and that it was just for him.

Both Con and I love how it turned out and we've been using it a lot already. If you're looking for project inspiration the Dremel Weekend website is a great place to start!

*I was offered the opportunity to try out the Dremel SawMax for this project but all opinions are my own.*


  1. What a creative project! Love the color choice, so bright and fun!! Great job using the Dremel. How`s your new table saw?

  2. oh em gee, is he not the cutest and most excited little thing?! love it! the super secret pull down part is my fave, and then all the colors!

  3. This is such a cute project. Love the bright colors. I like the way it folds up to be out of the way when not in use. A+


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