Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Future Coffee Table

First I'd like to thank Rachel at One Pretty Thing for featuring my Upcycled Patio Furniture! She's the best!

Ok, you might think I am crazy when I show this to you, but this is going to be my new coffee table:

I first saw it on Anthropologie 's website. I was initially attracted to it because of it's rustic combination of wood and metal. I liked that it nested and I thought the wood would be somewhat Con-Man proof. Then I saw the price- almost $800!

I kind of forgot about it until I saw it again on Viva Terra. Again it was about the same price plus shipping.

So I'm thinking about making it. It's a fairly simple construction. Metal rectangular frame with aged strips of wood. Seems simple enough. I'll have to do it in stages like I did for my coffee tables and it will take some planning.

I'll have to do a reconnaissance trip over to Anthropologie to check out exactly how it's put together. Then draw up some plans, get supplies and materials. Whenever I do get around to it I'll most likely have several posts showing my progress. 

So what do you think? Am I crazy for taking this on? I'm sure the hubs is going to think so!


  1. I don't think you are crazy at all -- I think it will be fabulous!

  2. Good luck planning & collecting for the coffee table. It will be an heirloom when you're my age. We saw plenty of weathered wood today from barns & fences, as we took a Sunday drive in "the country". (Scott, duson, Cankton).

  3. No way is it crazy! What an awesome coffee table! Love your "reconnaissance" tactics!

  4. If anyone can do it, it's you! Can't wait to see it. :)



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