Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dining Room Dreams

Lately I've been going on and on about changes I want to make to my dining room. I wanted to change the lighting and a new dining set, ect.

All these thoughts have been floating around in my head for some time now. It's hard to explain the look I'm going for- I want to mix vintage items with contemporary pieces. I love some of the items I already have but am ready for some new things as well. I finally got around to putting my thoughts down on paper and am interested to know what you think.

Some of the items may not end up being the exact thing I end up with but it's a start. I love the stained glass window I have hanging above the console table. I bought it back in high school for $30. One of the glass pieces was missing but I was able to find one that was similar to replace it with. It had white paint which I stripped off and stained with a dark stain. I'm partial to it and don't want to get rid of it.

The console table we have now doesn't do much for us in the name of storage. I'd like something with some doors and drawers. We don't have a lot of storage in our 1930's home so gaining some extra through furniture would be nice. I haven't decided if I want to go ultra contemporary like the white one I have shown or do something with some wood and metal like this one:

I love the metal and wood dining table. Though I think I'd like the metal legs to be raw steel, not painted in any way. A large vintage door would be awesome as the top! I've been searching Craigslist and Antique stores for deals but haven't found any yet. I've also been on the hunt for the rest of my dining chairs. I found this guy last week and am looking for some friends for it:

I think having a mix of chairs in the same style, upholstered in the same fabric would be pretty cool. I'd love to find a bold graphic print to use. I like the one with the dots from Knoll above.

Finish it off with a clean contemporary light fixture and I think I'm in business. 

Any thoughts? I always get these crazy ideas in my head and never know quiet how they will turn out!


  1. Isn't it amazing how it's so much easier to look at other peoples' rooms and homes and offer suggestions. It seems as though I lose ALL objectivity when it comes to critiquing my own home. The only suggestion I would offer (because I love where you're headed) is to lighten up the paint color of the room to an off-white. That's it. I think you have the makings of an amazing dining room!

  2. Hi Rachelle, I really like the wood and metal console better but you have to see it every day. I also like a mix of different chairs. I got my dining chairs, which are very traditional, at Habitat for Humanity Restore. I think they charge too much but for once they were a good buy because they were chippy. Thanks bunches for visiting me. hugs♥olive

  3. Hi Rachelle,
    I like Jan's idea about painting the room off white. I also love that white lamp.


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