Friday, December 30, 2011

Feature Friday: Thats My Letter

Hello Hello!!! Is everyone ready for New Years Eve Weekend? I sure am- I can't believe 2011 is already here and gone.

Today, before we completely leave 2011 in the dust I want to share another amazing DIY gal that some of you may already know. Jaime from the awesome blog That's My Letter has some great DIY projects she has completed for her home. She's a mom to 3 kids (how does she find the time!?) and does everything from building, to crafting to sewing. Is there anything this girl can't do?

Here are just a few highlights:

Adorable Table and Chairs for her kids. I've been looking for a cute table and chair set for the Con-Man- now I'm inspired to build one!

And check out this entry way storage unit SHE built! A-Maz-Ing!

Cute toy box- Love!!

And I adore this Trug she made. I have to make one for the Con-Man!!!!

A lot of the projects she has made are from the Anna White Website. She has truly inspired me to take on some large building projects of my own.

If you want to check out more of Jaime's projects or how any of the ones above are made check out Jaime's blog That's My Letter for all the how to's!!

Go Girl!


  1. All of the projects are so cute but I really like the storage unit! Thanks for the link to her blog. I am on my way to check it out!

  2. Rachelle thank you for the feature! Such a great New Year's surprise, the traffic is very much appreciated. Wishing you all the best for 2012 and more great projects to come.


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