Monday, January 30, 2012

Antique Tin Ceiling Tile Frame Part Deux

Remember that old ceiling tin tile I bought at the salvage yard? Well I'm back with another project using it! It's the purchase that keeps on giving.

I bought some inexpensive wood frames at Walmart and got to work making them a little more functional.They didn't come with glass or a good way to hold a picture in; so I used some plastic frames and used Epoxy glue to adhere them to the back. Then painted them.

Next up was cutting my ceiling tile down to size. I used the cutting wheel on my Dremel for the job. Then spray painted those~

Then using some small nails/ tacks I hammered the ceiling tin to the frame. I made a blue one and a bronze/ silvery one. Originally the frames could only be used as free standing frames, but I tacked on some small picture hangers so they could be hung on the wall as well.

I think they turned out pretty cute! 

Have you ever bought something that you were able to keep using and using over and over again?


  1. Beautiful job! I like how it turned out, it look lovely.

  2. What a great way to add some character and texture to a frame!

    I can't wait to get my hands on some tine tiles or stamped tin, mostly used for radiators. Not sure how I would use it, but I would find something.

  3. Your frame turned out so cool! Love old ceiling tiles!!


  4. This turned out great! Man, I love my dremel too! Thanks for sharing this over at C.R.A.F.T. I'm your newest Linky Follower.

  5. Oh that tin ceiling tile is magnificent! And the frames you created are a perfect way to showcase its loveliness!

  6. They turned out way more than "pretty cute"!

    They're amazing!

    Thanks so much for linkin' 'em up to the Bloggy Olympics!

  7. Oh! That tin ceiling tile is magnificent! And the frames, you created are a perfect way, to showcase its loveliness!


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