Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Easy DIY Step Stool

Anyway- the real reason we're here today. Check out this cute step stool I made for Con-Man's room.

His new Big Boy Bed is pretty tall so I needed something for him to be able to get in and out of it easily. I could have bought a stool, sure- but what fun would that be? Plus I had MDF scraps leftover from his bed that were just begging to be used in a project. So this stool was essentially free!

I started with these directions I found online. They were pretty simple and easy to follow. 

All you need is:

  • speed square;
  • tape measure;
  • pencil;
  • compass (or other method for circles);
  • Kreg pocket hole jig (or drill with counter sink bit); and
  • woodworking clamps.
  • Wood Glue & Screws (I used 1 1/4")

The directions say to use a Kreg Jig but I didn't have access to one, so I just predrilled and counter sunk my screws. The filled in the holes with wood filler.

Almost done!

When I brought it home Con-Man thought it was his own special table/seat and proceeded to eat his cheese stick while sitting on it.

Here it is all finished and primed in his room:

The stool isn't completely finished yet. I primed it white but am having a hard time deciding whether to paint it orange like the accent stripe in his room or another color like green or blue. Or should I leave it white? Any thoughts?

So far I'm loving how it turned out and that he uses it all the time. What's the best free project you've thrown together?

I still have one more kinda big project to finish for his room before I do a big reveal. Then after Con-Man's room is done it's on to Tiny Falcon #2's room!

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  1. I think I would paint it either blue or green. At first I thought green, but then maybe blue might be a little more subtle and not as clashy (if you use the same pale blue as in the bed spread). Now I'm going back to green lol. I love the design of the stool too!

    I'd love to make myself my own little step stool like this (my kitchen cabinets are abnormally high, and I'm only 5 feet tall, I need a bench to get stuff on just the 2nd shelf) would look so much nicer than the dollar store plastic one I got now. Pinning for future reference :)

  2. You are so handy! I'm jealous! I went to hang curtains yesterday and my husband informed me that we dont even have a drill or stud finder!

  3. Too darn cute!

    I'm visiting and now following from the UBP. I'd love it if you brought your creativity over to to "join the ride". It sure would be sweeter with you on board.


  4. You are so handy I wish I knew how to use all of the right tools to build my own things. My husband is not the handy type so it is hard to get some things done here at home. I may just have to start learning on my own

  5. Love the room and the stool. Did you make his bed too? My son is in need of a new bed now that he has his own room.

    Please consider sharing this on Thingamajig Thursday, going on now...


  6. So glad to have made it here. I can't wait to browse your blog some more! Lovely designs, by the way. :)

  7. Very cute wood stool. Your son has an adorable bedroom.


  8. wanting to do this for my girls for a while now...I might just have to try!


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