Monday, February 25, 2013

Here's Looking at You Spring

I don't know what the weather is like where you live but it's been pretty nasty here in Oklahoma. Yesterday it snowed, today (Sunday) it's crazy windy, and there is supposed to be a blizzard tonight!!

It's almost March- it's not supposed to be blizzarding right now. I am over winter; over it! I'm ready for warm springs days and sunshine. It also doesn't help that my Louisiana friends are posting pictures of crawfish boils all over Facebook. 

Maybe if I put myself in a warm springtime state of mind the Oklahoma weather will follow. Looking at bright colored interiors and decor should do the trick. Here's hoping!






Has Spring swung into action where you live? Are you ready for some warmer weather and spring color?


  1. Gorgeous! I'm dying for spring too! We are in the weird stage of it being too cold for things to bloom, but too warm for snow. Aka it's chilly and blustery for the most part. :\

  2. Well its been hot and humid here for a week or so...I'm living in shorts and singlets and having to paint at night!!! Sorry, we don't get snow here so I can't even imagine what a blizzard would be like!! How about a trade? I'd love a day of snow...just to know what it's like and I'll send you a day of heat!!! x


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