Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Blank Canvas

While re-evaluating our Master Bedroom I wanted to share with you the origin of the painting we have on the wall.

Back in the day when we first got married and didn't have a penny to our name our new Master Bedroom in our first home had bare walls all around. I wanted something up there but neede something that would fit in our miniscule budget.

Luckily I had some matching frames I had found when I worked at the mall. Our back door was next to Victoria's Secret and while they were remodeling their store they had thrown these away:

They were originally gold so to make them match our furniture I simply spray painted them silver.

I then cut out some cardboard to fit the size of the frames, alid some batting over it, then used sheets from my old bed as the canvas. I tried my hand at modern art by tracing several sizes of plates in an interesting pattern and painted them different shades of blue.

Not to shabby for a free project! But as proud as I am of my thrifty-ness I think we could do with a change.

Anyway- Sheets make great canvases if you want to make large scale art work on your own. I used them for these pictures in Con-Man's room.

You can use Gesso to make the sheet hard like a canvas or just use several coats of white paint you have lying around and paint over that.

And this weekend I'm trying to decide which to tackle first: painting walls or tackling the dated fans. Hmmm, which one which one?

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I'm going to remember this one, next time I want to do something big, yes, I am.


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