Friday, December 16, 2011

Feature Friday: The Accent Piece

Hello All!! So I think I've finally caught up on Christmas shopping- Altus, OK is making me one heck of an online shopping expert!

Today I wanted to feature another awesome DIY Gal- Suzie from The Accent Piece. She works full time during the day and DIY's by night. Along with some amazing furniture makeovers she and her Hubby are fixing up their beautiful home one project at a time.

The project that first caught my eye was this great use of space in her friends laundry room:

A Washer/ Dryer pedestal! I could really use one of these in my laundry room. The even cooler thing? She and her friend built it themselves! Wonder Women!

Check out these others awesome DIY projects Suzie has tackled:

End Tables Built from Scratch!

Suzie gives a list of supplies and easy to follow instructions for all her projects. I am totally trying some of these in the near future! Check out the rest of her DIY creations and furniture makeovers over at The Accent Piece. 

Go Girl!


  1. Thank you SO much!!! You just made my Friday! :) I'm having fun looking at all of your awesome projects you've done.
    BTW, are you in Altus for military? My sister and brother in law were stationed there (he's in the Air Force).
    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Loving this feature :) The pedestal with storage underneath is genius.


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