Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Living Room Rug- Merry Christmas to Me!

Hello All! Has everyone gotten their Christmas shopping done? Me neither... oh well. I did get a present for myself though- Hee hee. 

If you follow me on Twitter you might be able to guess what I'm talking about. About 2 weeks ago I got this mystery package in the mail:

I've been searching hi and low for a rug that I liked that was a decent price. Sure there were plenty that I'd love to have but they were all so pricey! Enter a website that has deals on high design stuff every day! Well about a month ago they had a deal from Safaveih Rugs. They were 70% off! Score!! 

This one in particular caught me eye. White leather shag- yum! I've been looking for a neutral rug that had some texture to give it interest. I didn't want a patten (call me a chicken) because I was worried I'd get tired of it after a few years. This one fit that description and it was an awesome price. 

It's been down in our living room for a week now and we've been enjoying it. I think it really makes the room feel more cozy. And it gives your feet a mini massage when you walk across it. Con-Man was especially excited when it arrived. He ran all over it and rolled across it and everything.

Here are some overall shots. And please try to ignore the piles of baby toys in the corner; as much as I'd love to have a perfect home I do have a kid. ;)

I will say, though I love the way the rug looks and it's exactly what I wanted I am paying some prices for it. I didn't think Con-Man would get such a kick out of pulling the shag pieces up. I'm hoping this thrill wanes soon.

And I mentioned that the rug gives my feet a nice massage; well our 50 lb black lab thinks so too. She loves to roll all over it and use it to scratch her back. The website said the rug was durable and easy to keep clean- they must not have kids or a huge dog. 

Anyway- I still like it and I think that despite these minor "setbacks" it will last a long time. I'll be sure to keep you updated!

Next up for this room, besides maybe finally reupholstering those orange chairs, is finding some accent pillows and accessories to add some pops of color.

Do you buy your own Christmas presents?


  1. Oh very nice. Your room looks great. This rug is a perfect accent, even to the orange chairs. I really like the shape of those chairs. I was wondering how it would be to keep this rug clean. I suppose you could train the dog to stay off? Yea, right. Well, enjoy it any way. Merry Christmas.

  2. I have to admit the same thing - how do you clean it - it looks too big to shake out and you can't vacuum can you?

  3. Yes- cleaning instructions are to shake it out. Luckily it hides any dirt in the shag and I put a towel down where our dog likes to lay; so it won't be something we'll be doing all the time. I'll let you know how the shaking goes when we get around to it... :)


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