Friday, March 23, 2012

Feature Friday: Paint Speckled Paw Prints

Happy Friday Everyone! I hope everyone has had enjoyable week. It was Spring Break here in Alus so Con-Man had no MDO. So that meant no wood shop for me this week. I hoping to get in there on Saturday and work on our Basketball Floor Dining Table. 

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

I also wanted to share with you another awesome DIY Blogger I came across- Kristen from Paint Speckled Pawprints. She and her Hubby are fixing up their new home and have lots of fun DIY projects to share.

I'm a sucker for Pallet projects so when I saw their Floating Pallet Shelves I was hooked. How cool are these?

Kristen also framed out the builder grade mirrors in her bathroom. She was tired of the plain look and took on the job herself! I love the new look.

Kristen does lots of fun crafty stuff as well. I love these Silhouettes she painted of her puppies! So cute!

And a fun Springtime Wreath: I love the colors even though Kristen makes sure to note that she and her husband are not LSU fans. What?! I thought everyone was an LSU Fan- I guess that's just my family...

She also has lots of great tips like Refinishing Cabinetry: (Love the bold paint color)

So if your looking for DIY adventures and fun projects go check out Kristen's Blog Paint Speckled Pawprints!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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