Wednesday, March 21, 2012

DIY IKEA Inspired Wooden Book Holder

Woo Hoo! Another project completed for Con-Man's Room! He has a lot of books and I had them piled in this cube shelf:

Since we're bringing in a bigger bed and transferring the cube shelf to the new baby's room I needed some kind of storage for his books. I saw this cute idea on Pinterest:

Isn't that neat? Those are the Bekvam Spice Racks from Ikea. I liked it because they don't take up floor space and it will be easy to see for Con-Man all the books.

They are only $4 each- since I need a few of them I thought they were my perfect solution. But problem: Bekvam is not available for order online and the closest Ikea is over 4 hours away. 4 hours isn't a bad drive is your in the market for a bed or sofa, but the cost of gas trumps $4 spice racks.

So I started thinking, what's better than $4 spice racks? How about FREE ones!!

I had wood leftover from Con-Man's bed and a few scraps of dowel rod laying around from my wreath project, surely I could make my own.

This is what I came up with based on the dimensions given on Ikea's website:

(Look at me all fancy with Sketch-Up!)

If you want to make some of these yourself here's what you need:

3/4" pine board or MDF (I used a mix of both)

1/2" Dowel Rod

1 1/4" wood screws

Wood Glue

First I started by cutting my wood down to size. 

Cut 1 long piece to 1' 3 3/4" long x 3 1/2" wide, and 2 short pieces 2 3/4" x 3 1/2" for the sides. Cut your dowel about 1' 3" long.

After your pieces are cut, drill a 1/2" hole for your dowel rod in front center of each of your side pieces. I used a drill press for this but you could use a drill bit like I used here, just a smaller size.

Next add a little bit of wood glue to the bottom of the side piece and clamp one of the side pieces to the end of the bottom. (I used the other side piece as a support, but did not glue it at this time) Predrill a hole for your screws. Then screw 2 wood screws to secure the side.

Next add some wood glue to the holes of the sides pieces and insert your dowel. Add more wood glue to the second side piece and place it at the other end of the bottom piece. Then predrill some holes into the bottom wood piece and insert your screws.

Let it all dry and your done! If you used all pine you could leave it natural or stain it. I used a mix of MDF and pine so I painted mine. I sanded them a bit to add some age and wear.

Then added hooks on either side and hung them in the same manner I hung his chalk/ art supply holders.

Time to add books!

These book holders came together really quickly and we pretty easy to make. I'd love to hear if anyone else has used the spice racks as book shelves, or are thinking of making some of your own!


  1. Those are awesome! I was at IKEA recently and they don't have them in my store so you might have wasted your gas and time anyways. Want to make me some of these now? ;) Love the color too.

  2. that's awesome that you made these with your leftovers. love the green, too.

  3. I really like those! And I think they are perfect for a kid's room!

  4. Nice job!! I'm lucky enough to live about a half hour from Ikea. Wait, unlucky for my pocketbook!

  5. I just found your blog. I must say, "Very Nice". I love the step-by-step photos on the little bookshelf. They are very impressive. I'm on a tight time budget today and have to run, but I'll be back. If you have a minute to spare come visit me, my welcome mat is always out. Connie

  6. These a are great. Makes me wish my kids were young and needed book racks. Thinking maybe I could make one of these to hold pot lids though...

  7. Love the colour you chose! Great tutorial, thanks!

  8. Found your blog through A Bowl Full of Lemons. I love what you did building your own spice racks. I have been looking for those IKEA racks and was sad to find out they do not sell them anymore. But with your tutorial I can now make my own.
    Thank You so much

  9. that is fabulous! i love the bright color- so fun!

  10. Those turned out fantastic! Well done! I want to do something like this in my daughters' room. You have inspired me. Thanks!

  11. I love a good DIY and free project. The shelves turned out great! Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  12. These do look easy to do and I love the green, what a fun color. Thanks for linking up!

  13. Oh my goodness...this is great! What a fantastic idea and such a great tutorial!

  14. Thank you for posting this! I was at my local ikea today and wanted to get spice racks to convert. I was told that "the company that makes those can't make any (I think she meant keep up with denand) ..... Someone posted them on pinterest and no you can't get them"

  15. Thank you for your post!!! I am in the process of making these also and am so excited to have directions now!


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