Sunday, March 18, 2012

MIA: A Sad Story

So I've been missing in action- I'm sorry. I left without a "Hello." or "Goodbye." 

Where have I been? The Hubs had a conference in Seattle so I decided to tag along (free hotel!). It was a lot of fun and I took lots of picture to show you when I got back; but more sad news. My Camera totally crapped out!!!

The only proof I have of our trip is the one picture The Hubs took of me with his IPhone in front of the Fish Market.

All my other photos look like this!!!

Rows and rows of black boxes! Darn you technology! I even had a post about Con-Man's new curtains I was going to share. But since the real camera is no longer working this is the best my IPhone could come up with:

Really disappointing. So in the meantime while I try to figure out what we're going to do (a new camera would be nice since we do have a new baby on the way!) here are some sneak peaks of projects I've been working on for Con-Man's new room. (Disclaimer- none of these photos have been retouched; just my IPhone in all it's glory.)

I've also started going to my Upholstery Class! My lovely camera deleted the whole tearing apart process (you know, the important part so you can remember how the chair was put together...) But here's my progress so far:

I've even started tearing apart and fixing up the gym flooring that I found.

So as you can see I've been busy, to busy maybe. Yipes! I have 10 projects started but none finished! And now I only have crummy IPhone pics to show for it. :P I guess I feel under the gun to get a lot of big stuff done before Tiny Falcon #2 shows up in July.

Have you ever gotten in over your head with to many projects? How do you divide up your time?


  1. Oh I know the feeling!! It's so easy to get a little overwhelmed sometimes!!
    I make myself stop...breathe...then work out which one I need to finish first. I make that one my priority and I can't touch any others until its finished!
    Btw, all my photos on my blog now are taken with my iPhone!! My camera is nothing flash!

  2. oh no, camera problems! it looks like you had a good time tho. so many great projects at your house!


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