Monday, April 8, 2013

Super Easy DIY Jewelry Holder

So a few weeks ago I scored this lamp from what is now my favorite thrift store (since its the same one I got my safe deposit boxes from) for only $10!

It needed some rewiring (if you want to read more about rewiring lamps you can check out this post here or Kara Paslay has a good tutorial on wiring.) but for $10 that was not an issue. 

I like the vintage bohemian feel but that gold metal screen inside was a bit much.

So I took it out.

On it's own it was pretty cool so I didn't toss it. Instead I used it to make a new jewelry holder! I've needing needed somewhere to put jewelry for a while now- piling it all into a bowl onto the counter wasn't cutting it anymore.

So this is what I came up with:

This was an quick and easy DIY. I had a picture frame on hand so all I had to do was cut the metal out to the size of the frame using wire cutters and staple it to the back using my staple gun. And Voila! Instant jewelry holder for free!

If you don't have scrap metal hanging around like I did Home Depot and Lowes sell metal sheets similar to this in the hardware section.

And if you're wondering what happened with the lamp? Stay tuned because I have some bedroom decor updates for you!


  1. Super cute, and a great repurpose! Love it!

  2. New follower. I saw your blog link via Blog lovin Blog hop. Great site. I especially love the safe deposit repurpose to a TV console.

    Handmade at Warratahstree

  3. I found your blog on a blog hop! Love it.

    I am your newest follower and I hope you will follow me back so that we can continue to share ideas! :)

    Naptime Nothings

  4. That is amazing! Love it and want to try it!! Found you on the Bloglovin blog hop and am now your newest follower!
    Selene @ Restoration Beauty

  5. Stopping by and your newest follower from the Bloglovin Blog Hop. Love your site, and recognized it because I fell in love with your slip cover project on Hometalk a while back, still lovin it too!!! ~ Amy @ StowandTellU


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