Sunday, March 25, 2012

Gallery Wall- Fini!

I hope everyone had a fantastic spring weekend! 

We had some great weather here in Oklahoma  so we tried to spend as much time outside as possible. And we went to see the Hunger Games!! I didn't make it to the wood shop like I had hoped (they were closed for Spring Break!) but I did finally get our family gallery wall together.

I feel like I've been talking about it and working on it forever. I needed to fill this blank wall in our living room. 

So slowly but surely I collected frames from our local thrift stores and then painted them all white.

I also decided to add some other personal touches. Like this Letter F to represent our last name; Falcon.

And a Fleur De Lis I found at Hobby Lobby to show our Louisiana heritage.

I also added some of Con-Man's artwork that I can change out every once in a while. He gets a kick of seeing things he made hung on the wall.

Once I gathered everything together I set about laying out my frames. There are some great tutorials out there on how to lay out and hang your frames, but I just winged it in the end. (I'm lazy what can I say?) I measured my wall width and height. Then figured that I would leave about a foot of space on either end and center the middle photos at eye level.

Then laid of my frames on the floor beneath my barren wall.

Then I began to hang them starting from the center most frames and worked my way out. 

I will have to say this is not a fool proof method- I had to rehang a few pictures higher or lower. So I ended up with a few extra nail heads but it didn't take long- my kind of project! I think it turned out pretty good. I love having our family photos displayed.

If your itching to try a gallery wall of your own but don't want to wing it like I did here are some great tutorials on how to go about it:

Happy Hanging!


  1. Looks great! I think that's my kind of gallery wall, I am too impatient or lazy maybe to cut out the squares of paper and tape them up. I'd rather make nail holes you can't see. Anyways, you did a fantastic job with just your hammer and eyeballs!

  2. It looks really good! I love the gold with the white! Super cute!

  3. You did a terrific job! I've been working on my gallery wall for almost a year...just can't seem to finish it. Congrats on your accomplishment.

  4. Your gallery looks great! Nothing like walking down memory lane each time you pass the gallery wall. :)

    Three months isn't too bad. It took me about that long to put anything in my frames after I hung them. Who knows how long it will take me to get my second picture project done.

  5. Looks great! I love that you made it personal, adding the fleur di lis and your initial.

  6. Looks great! It's perfect for that spot. Thanks for linking up to Terrific Tuesdays.


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