Saturday, April 14, 2012

Awesome Find and Giveaway Alert!

Hey Everyone! I hope your weekends are all going well. I have a quick post today then it's off to work in the wood shop before the severe weather we supposed to have here in OK gets here.

I couldn't believe my luck last week when I saw a guy driving down our street with a bunch of junk in his trailer. And what was at the very top?

These awesome Wassily Lounge chairs!

The guys said he was taking them to the metal recycling plant here in town along with the other junk. I asked him if I could have them instead. He sold them to me for $30 for the pair!

If your not familiar with Wassily Chairs they were designed by Marcel Breuer in 1925-1926 while he was the head of the cabinet-making workshop at the Bauhaus, in Dessau, Germany. They were the first bent metal lounge chairs to be made. You can buy reproductions of this chair from Design With Reach for up to $2000.

Of course those are the chrome and leather ones; these that I bought are aluminum and vinyl. They sell online for $200-300 each. So I think I got a good deal. I don't know where the guy found them or why he'd toss them but I'm glad they're mine now!

In other exciting news be on the lookout for an awesome Giveaway at the beginning of the week!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. That is an awesome find! I would totally take that cowhide chair too. It's kinda crazy, but I think I love it!

  2. Oh wow!! You've just gotta keep your eyes open all the time don't you?! Such a great score Rachelle!! I'm doing a post this week about a cool score I got ages ago and didn't even know what I had until a friend enlightened me!!


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