Friday, December 2, 2011

Antique Tin Ceiling Tile Frame

Happy Almost Weekend Everyone! I'm so excited December is finally here- Christmas Holidays, family gatherings, my birthday... Oh ya! My birthday is coming up in a few weeks- time to celebrate!

In the meantime you could win an early Christmas or Birthday present of your own; just enter my Dremel Trio Giveaway!

After your done doing that I thought it would be fun to show you a project I made with my Dremel recently- check out this frame I made the other day:

About a month ago I made a trip to a cool antique store just north of Altus and had found this:

I found a 4"x6" picture frame at the Goodwill store for $1 (orange stickers were 1/2 off that day!) and thought it would be cool to try and make a tin frame for it.

I used my Dremel Rotary tool to cut out one of the squares of the tin. I choose one that was in bad shape since I was going to be twisting and bending it up.

Next I cut an angle in the corners of the tin so I could mold the tin around the frame.

Once I had molded the tin all around I used a short screw in each of the 4 corners to secure it to the frame.

And done! 

What do you think? If I try this again I might try to figure out how to make it look a little "cleaner" looking as far as the bent edges go. And now I need to figure out what to do with the rest of the tin ceiling piece. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Geaux Tigers!


  1. Oh no! Not that again! No, I'm not talkin' about your super-cool-never-seen-before tin frame. Now, that's a BOLD move! Love it!

    Can't say 'Go Rebs' anymore...just da Bears...

    I don't watch em anyway cuz I already know the outcome... Fair weathered fan am I...

  2. Cleaver idea. Now I really need to win that Dremel giveaway. :) Your creativity always amazes me. Great Job.

  3. That frame is gorgeous! Looks like a lot of work and well worth it!

  4. Gorgeous! This looks amazing!


  5. This looks great! I would have never thought of repurposing the tin like that. I love the colors and the rustic look!

  6. It looked like a lot of work, but turned out great! Thank you for sharing this unique idea!

  7. I really, really like that it's not perfect. It has an organic feel to it, as if you created the tin portion by hand. Great job! Thanks for sharing at Sunday's Best =)

  8. Wow, that is really cool. I really like the look. I like it's imperfections. I think it makes it look more vintagey. A lot of work, but so worth it. Thanks for sharing over at Sunday's Best. Now following you!


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