Monday, December 5, 2011

Dowel Star Wreath

I hope everyone had a fan-tabulous weekend! I know I did- Christmas Tree shopping, football game watching, Altus Christmas Parade, good times. Don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to enter my Dremel Trio giveaway!

Have you ever seen the Lowe's Creative Idea Magazine and website? I like to look at it for ideas and inspiration. We've been getting into the Christmas spirit more and more over at our house so I was in the mood for another Christmas-y project and the Lowes magazine had lots of good ones this month.

I saw this project in particular for a Dowel Star Wreath

It just so happened that my mom was cleaning out their garage over Thanksgiving and was going to throw a bunch of dowels away. But I snatched them up instead! If you want to try this project out yourself you'll need:

The dowels were 4' long so I needed to cut them down to 18" each. I used my scroll saw for this.

Once my dowels were cut I used Gorilla Wood Glue to attach the dowels together. I started with 2 triangles, opposite ends facing each other and glued them together. 

I set the star under a heavy book and let it dry for a few hours.

After the first set was dry I put another triangle on and glued that, then continued the process until I had used all my dowels.

After everything had dried over night I gave my star wreath a few coats Krylon Metallic Caramel Spray paint. I liked this color because it is two dimensional- from one angle it looks golden and from another it looks silver.

Then it was time to hang! I used some red ribbon and hung it over the mirror we have on the mantle in the living room.

This was a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to decorate for Christmas! 

What sort of Christmas crafts have you been up to?


  1. Rachel, you did a wonderful job on this, it looks like such an easy project to do with you your simple step by step tutorial. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is so awesome and very creative! Great job! I would love for you to come link up today over at!! Your newest follower!!

  3. It's beautiful and so simple - would look great in a modern home!
    I'm a new follower!


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