Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dirty Thirty

Happy 30th Birthday to Me!

Woo I'm 30! The big 3-0, no longer a twenty something. I don't feel any older and wise yet but I'm sure that will come ;) I've already had a few birthday surprises. What was supposed to be our usual football watching party (complete with homemade gumbo from yours truly) turned into a mini surprise party for me! The hubs surprises me with a new Ipad (OMG!!) and even a special made super chocolately cake. No Walmart cake this year! I was really impressed.

There are supposed to be a few more surprises this weekend~~~ Can't wait!

Any advice for a fresh new 30 year old?


  1. A very happy birthday to you! I'm a little jealous of all of your birthday surprises and treats but you deserve it! I just turned 30 a few months ago so don't have any helpful insight yet other than to say that it's just another age. Although I'm sure there are many ways you're wiser now than you were at 20, so enjoy that.

  2. Happiest of Birthdays!! My only advice is to try to enjoy every moment (it goes by so very quickly)

  3. Happy birthday:) I like June's advice, and I would add take a look at where you are now and where you want to be in 10 years (or 20 or 30 or 50), and make sure that you are doing things to move in that direction. Time flies!

  4. Happy birthday! I'm kind of afraid to turn 30 (in 1 more year) just because it will mean I haven't accomplished what I wanted to have accomplished by that age... But there's no sense in trying to fight it, right? :) Just enjoy and have fun!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Seriously, it's only a number, just remember to always be only feel old when you start thinking old.

  6. Hey, Happy Birthday to you! And thank you for the comment on my blog! :o)

  7. Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a fabulous day!! I love that your husband got you an iPad! My boyfriend got me one for our anniversary (and part Christmas) and I LOVE it!

    If you need protective film...I suggest Best Skins Ever--it works really well and its half the price of the other stuff out there. I just have a smart cover and a front/back protective film on mine. I throw it in my purse scratches!

  8. Happy 30th Birthday!!!! I'll be there in less than a yr! Sounds like a great birthday party. I wish I had some wisdom for ya!

  9. Happy belated birthday!! I hope you had an amazing day and yay on having a surprise party!

  10. Happy Birthday Rachelle!!!
    This is by far the best decade...maybe I'll say that to when I'm in my forties!
    Hope your day was awesome, and keep doing what you're doing. You rock!!


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