Friday, December 9, 2011

A Winner and a Feature

Happy Friday Everyone! Thank you to everyone who entered my Dremel Trio Giveaway, I really appreciate it. And a huge "Thank You" to Dremel for the opportunity to participate in this awesome giveaway!


Dremel Trio Giveaway
6th drawing held by Rachelle Falcon
Completed on Thursday, 8 December 2011 at 23:27:58 UTC
65 entrants, 1 winner

Winners (1)
1st: 32

And that's Sandi from The Primitive Skate!

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said... 32

I don't know where to begin! I have 101 projects in my garage to do, seriously. And we have some work to be done witha cabinets and such in the bathroom and some in the basement, this could come in handy!

Congratulations Sandi! I can't wait to see what you create!
Send me your contact info and I'll forward it to the folks at Dremel.

Be on the look out for more great giveaways in the future.

Today I wanted to do something a little different; something I'm hoping to continue each Friday. I've always admired people who let their creative side show, encourage it, and let it grow and flourish. And since I started this blog I've been inspired by the many women who are out there doing this every day: being creative and making their lives better by it. 

And what I really respect and admire even more is the women who go that extra step into what is usually considered "man's work". Taking up a drill, a mitre saw, hammer and nails and building something and not waiting around for a man to do it for them. Girl power all the way!

I thought it would be fun to highlight and meet some of these awesome women!

First up is Katy from the blog Mom and Her Drill. Ok what can't this girl do? She tears up houses and rebuilds them; she does the building and remodeling herself, she builds awesome stuff for her kids.

For example, she turned a ho-hum bathroom into a gorgeous one:


She built a pallet wall for her living room:

Check out her awesome kitchen redo:



I could go on forever- this girl has done some amazing stuff- but I'll let you go see for yourself over at her blog Mom and Her Drill.

For lack of anything else to say- You Go Girl!

1 comment:

  1. aww, thanks Rachelle! When I started blogging I realized that there are a lot of women like me, and I didn't know it. It's great to meet other ladies with the same skills and interests, for sure! (That don't have mullets)


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