Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nerd Alert!

It's no secret to my friends, or even people who aren't that good of friends- I love me some Harry Potter!

I've been waiting and waiting for the first part of the 7th movie to come out and we went to see it this weekend. Earlier in the week though I had come across Raegunwear's blog where they had a Harry Potter crafting party.

How fun! I was inspired to make a Harry Potter shirt of my own (Yes I am a 29 year adult with a child and I'm making clothes for myself based on a children's book- I'm not embarassed.)

I have made some T-Shirts before but this time I thought I'd try a technique I saw on Susan's blog Living With Punks.

I started by creating my template on the computer. I downloaded the Harry Potter Lighting Font and created this:

After I printed it out I traced it onto Freeze Paper and cut it out using an Exacto Knife (See Susan's Blog for all the details!)

I ironed the Freezer Paper stencil onto the shirt then painted it. I ended up with this:

Ya, I wore it to the movie. Probably won't wear it again until the next movie comes out but I'm proud of it. 


  1. I'm not a fan but can appreciate that you are!!!! My oldest son has a friend that works at the theater. He had another free ticket so they wanted to see this movie. Well, it was the 11:45 pm showing! UGH! So I let my 17 1/2 year old go to the midnight movie knowing that it is almost 3 hours long. He got home at 3:15 AM!! I kept waking up worrying about him driving home! Probably won't do that again but he so loved the HP books that he read them 3 times! He really enjoyed the movie, too but said of course it isn't as good as the books!!

  2. I am a 25 year old that would love to wear this shirt... heehee! You are not alone! Thanks for sharing!

  3. That is a really cute idea that you can use with any theme. And it's cheep too. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to try it myself.


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