Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thrift Store Steal (of the Century!)

I happened to have some time off this week and just happened to pop into one of the thrift stores near our house. I almost didn't since I usually don't find anything of interest there but this time I did.

Look! Two Mid Century Lounge chairs in near perfect condition!

I couldn't believe it, I'd never seen anything like this at this store before. My heart started beating fast- two people were sitting in them. I was sure they were thinking about buying them and thought I was to late.

I decided to ask if they were going to buy the chairs and it turns out they were not! So then I looked at the price preparing myself to be disappointed with a high number. But they were only $16.99 each! OMG! OMG! (In case you don't search Ebay often these type of chairs sell in the $100 range.)

Ok, act normally- don't call attention to yourself.

The Con- Man and I sat in them for a while trying to decide what to do. I was going back and forth about buying them because I really didn't need them. I'm really only supposed to be buying dining chairs

But I just couldn't pass up this deal. They were so cool! I knew I would regret it later if I didn't buy them. 

So for now they're just chilling in the sunroom waiting for me to decide what to do with them.

Have you ever had a heart stopping thrift store moment? I sure did today!


  1. These are amazing! I came across some directors chairs for $6 each and really wanted to buy them for my patio. But I already have patio chairs and my tiny apartment is on overload already, so I passed it up.

    Great find tho. I can't wait to see where u put them

  2. I had a chair and a couch similar to that in the mid-1960s! They were inexpensive knock-offs of the good ones and eventually fell apart! The ones you found look in great shape! Congratulations!

  3. It will not be any trouble for you to find something to do with those chairs. They look very comfortable.

  4. Awesome find... like you I pass up things and regret it. Now I just buy if it is reasonable with no regrets. ENJOY!

  5. These are amazing and what a great deal! I don't blame you for buying them. Happy VTT!

  6. Fabulous chairs! I love when I run into a deal like this :)


  7. i am soooo green with envy! i am looking for chairs like that for my sitting room. what a great find!

  8. My mom had a whole suite of this Danish Modern in the 60s including two loveseats. They were gorgeous and comfortable. Good find!

  9. I would paint them an antique white and distress the wood. I would then cover the cushions with grey muslin.

  10. I can't believe the price on those chairs and what great condition they are in!! I went thrifting today looking for something in particular but of course I never find it and come home with lots of other things!!!

  11. Oh my goodness! I'd be having "a moment" with those chairs also. Did you quick pay for them and then run to your car? That's what I always do. Fabulous finds. Are they teak? My parents had 2 chairs almost exactly like that but with different cushions back in the 60's.

  12. AMAZING!! I love MCM furniture. Don't listen to the comment from banclothing... I'll begrudge you forever if you paint and distress something so classic!! But I do agree with her grey muslin. Perhaps Grey Chevrons!!

  13. Wow. I'm glad you didn't talk yourself out of them!

    My heart-stopping moment: Grabbed a pair of cargo pants that were sticking out of the rack, and bought them without trying them on, because they had a drawstring waist and the length was right. Price was $6.99, as I recall. Took them home, washed and dried them, and as I was folding them felt something in the pocket--$40!! And that was on top of the four black spindle-backed chairs I bought at the same time for $3.99 each!

  14. Oooo, I like the idea of grey upholstery. I'll be on the lookout for some good deals at the fabric store. Thanks for the ideas everyone!

  15. What an incredible find!!! These will look amazing recovered. I would have snatched them up in a heartbeat!

  16. Those are awesome! Worth the price!
    Thanks for stopping by and linking up! Can't wait to see what else you'll find :)


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