Or these I saw on Zappos along with some similar ones I saw at Target and Dillards:
I think they are cool but the prices are crazy! $200 for the most expensive down to $34 for the one I saw at Target. I'm sorry, I'm no jewelry expert but these remind me of those rocks you used to get at the Discovery Store when you were little.
So I thought about how I could make some of my own. Sadly the Discovery Store in our mall is no longer. I was not discouraged though- I made a stop at the Planetarium in Baton Rouge when I was there this past weekend and was excited to find some of these guys for only $3-4 each:
I started with the first one thinking it would be the easiest to make. There wasn't a picture to show how the chain is attached to the rock, but from the description online it sounded like the chain is attached with wire wound around the bottom of the rock.
So bought some thin jewelry wire at Micheals:
And I just began winding it around:
When I was about halfway done I attached a ring through the wire:
Once I thought I had wound it enough so that it wouldn't come off, I twisted the end of the wire at the bottom of the stone:
Then snipped the excess off:
To finish it off I attached it to a chain I also bought at Micheal's:
Done! Easy!
This only cost me about $10, much better than the $198 I saw online. And it only took about 15 minutes to make! So head to your local science museum, raid your kids rock collection, and go for it!
And stay tuned for Part Two where I use these guys to make some more jewelry:
Very nice! I love the rough, natural look of the stone.
I struggled with the same dilemma. Why can't all pretty things have a hole in them so we can string them? I love your solution. Mine is similar, but different. Check it out
Totally agree with you on the prices of those being crazy. Yours looks just as cute. Stopping by via Fun to Craft:)
Cool necklaces! Good job!
THats really pretty. I love how yours turned out and the price is much better.
I agree that the price points are way out of whack on a lot of the stone pieces around these days. Rock and gem suppliers are the way to go. I keep my crystal necklaces simple & source everything at local rock and gem shows. It's fun finding just the right pieces.
It's crazy what they want for things, and I think your necklace is at least as pretty!
Another place to get inexpensive stone is your local pet store--check out the aquarium rocks. I never go anywhere else for amethyst since someone alerted me to that source.
We would love to feature you. Come on over to our site and check us out..
Also we have a free beadboard giveaway going on now
Very clever, can't wait to see the next ones you make!
Fabulous DIY of designer jewelry. The necklace is fantastic -- rustic and elegant at the same time. Can't wait to see what you do with the other stones. Love the look of them.
This is so beautiful! I love how thrifty you made it as well! Great job!
LOVE this!
Hi! You are very talented! I love DIY jewelery!!I'm here from It's so very Cheri...great job!
ooooh, I've always had a thing for pretty rocks! I love what you've done! Come check out my blog!
Very nifty! Can't wait to see what you do with the rest.
Following from the Weekly Wrap-Up!
Stuff and Nonsense
Very clever and creative. Good for you. I can't wait to see what you do with the rest.
Cool! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!
It is crazy what they will charge for something like that...great piece and great way to save your wallet.
I'm so happy you posted this! I picked up some pretty jewels at a craft fair and wanted to make something out of them but didn't know how. Now I do, thanks. :)
Amie @ http://www.kittycatsandairplanes.blogspot.com/
Super cute! Can't wait to see what you do with the other stones!!!!! Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day :)
I love this idea. My kids have some of those rocks but I never even thought of making jewlery out of them. Especially how to hang them. So cleaver. I'll have to try this myself. Thanks for all your great ideas.
Your design is an awesome inspiration! Many thanks for sharing. I would like to feature it at http://www.handmade-jewelry-club.com/
Contact me here if you have a concern.
Hello! I saw your tutorial on how to make the geode necklace with jewelry wire. You had mentioned at the end that you would be doing a part two with the geode slices. Did you do part two? Can you send me a link? Its exactly what I want to do with some geode slices I have but can't find info on how to do it anywhere. Your blog has a lot of great info! Thanks!
Well i'm waiting for part 2...I have a coupla pieces of the flat agate also...just different colors! Good job on the necklace!
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