Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cute Cafe Chair Update

Some people don't have the time, energy, creativity, whatever- to see the beauty in an old piece of furniture. Lucky for me some of these people live near me! Remember last week when I posted about finding some furniture road kill outside a storage facility? Well I've finished the first makeover from that find.

This poor little chair had good bones but was sadly neglected.

I started by unscrewing the seat cushion, removing the old fabric using a flat head screw driver, and cleaning up the frame to prep it for paint. (Terrible Blogger that I am I forgot to take pictures of most of this process!) It was mainly dusty and dirty with some rust that I had to scrub off. I read that some people use CLR to clean t=rust off, but mine chair came clean with sand paper pretty easily.

I couldn't figure out how to take off the seat back, so when spray painting I just covered it with tape and paper. I used Rustoleum Heirloom White to give the frame a new life. Then using some fabric leftover from another project I reupholstered the cushions, adding some batting to the seat for a more comfortable sit. 

Basically measure out your fabric or trace the old fabric as a template. Then staple at the center of each side making sure each side is even and the fabric is taught (tawt?). Then move to the corners and work your way in finishing off each side with staples. Cut off any excess for a clean finish. (For a better tutorial on this process check out this post here!) 

For the back of the chair I reused the same cardboard cutout and wrapped my fabric around it, using a light dusting of spray adhesive to keep in in place. Then nailed it back on with upholstery tacks

Then screw the seat back on and your finished!

I think it turned out totally cute! Don't you love giving new life to old furniture?


Pudel-design said... 1

That looks really nice,pretty fabric;)

Lovely greetings...


Little City Farm said... 2

Turned out great and I love that cheery fabric.

urban domestic diva said... 3

ADORABLE! Love the fabric too. I love finding old furniture and keeping out of the dump by breathing new life to it. GREAT JOB! Great site, too. Come stop by mine when you get a chance! http://urbandomesticdiva.com Keep on creating!

Mally said... 4

This came out looking so good. Amazing how bright it looks. Another great job.

thediplomaticwife said... 5

What you did to this chair is A-MA-ZING!!! Go you!

MulticoloredPieces said... 6

Nice job on the chair. I have had a similar experience!
best, nadia

Unknown said... 7

Beautiful update! Love that pretty and colorful botanical print, too.

Mandy said... 8

Such a cute chair. You did a great job. Love the fabric too!