Monday, April 2, 2012

Big Boy Bed

It's finally done! After about a few months of on and off work Con-Man's Big Boy Bed is finished!

I built the bed following plans I found on Anna White's website for the Haley Twin Bed. Pottery Barn doesn't sell this bed anymore bed as we know the beds they do have for sale cost around $400 - $600. I built this one for $150- wood, hardware, paint and all. It took me a while to finish because I only worked on it 1 day a week for 3-4 hours in the wood shop on Base.

I won't go into to much detail of how I put it together since Anna's plans are pretty easy to follow, but I will tell you about some things I learned along the way. This is my first real wood working project so if my descriptions are confusing I apologize. If you need clarification let me know!

First off- if your going to build this bed keep in mind that her wood supply list only included material to build one of the support storage benches. Thankfully I realized this while I was buying my wood and not after!

The support benches came together pretty quickly.

One thing I changed about her plans was where the support legs went. On the outer box I put the legs on the ends like the plans stated. But in the inside of the bench I moved the legs in so you wouldn't see them under the footboard.

Then I built the headboard and footboards. One of the things not explained well in the plans was how to attach the legs of the head/foot boards to the center panel. The legs are 2x4 and you'll have a hard time finding screws long enough to screw through that and into the panel to attach it. I took a picture of how I did this but it was lost on my crummy camera. Basically I drilled 4 3/4" holes about 2" down into the side of the 2x4 legs. Then used a 2" screw and long drill bit to screw them into the panel. Then filled the holes with 3/4" dowels. You can't see it to much after I painted over it.

I drew a diagram of how I attached the legs so it would be easier to understand.

Then the doors. Anna's plans do not describe the doors. I measured the width and height and cut all my pieces to size. Then used dado joints to create the frames. I routed out a space in the center and filled the opening with plywood panels.

After doing the finish/ touch up work (sanding, smoothing out rough edges, filling in screw holes with wood filler) I painted the bed with white paint. I used the kind for door trim. It's durable and goes on smooth.

Then it was time for assembly! 

I used these corner braces to attach the headboard and footboards to the storage benches.

Evidence that Con-Man was "helping" me while I assembled...

And the finished product! I have bed rails for it but took them off for the pictures. I just need to find some hinges to fit the doors and buy some baskets for the other cubby holes. 

I love how the bed turned out and I also love all the extra storage it gives us! 

Con-Man is enjoying it too.

And be sure to check out  how I made the duvet which is a knock off of one I saw at Land of Nod! and the wooden Step Stool.

Linking here


Jeo Fazzio said... 1

Excellent share of blog on modern bedroom furniture. Thanks...

Jen..The Butterfly Effect said... 2

Superb! Love all the hard work that you're putting through! :)

Gen @ Color Me Domestic said... 3

Congrats on your first piece of furniture! It really looks awesome. My dad made my first bed too, it was elevated, had steps to get into it, and drawers on the base. I remember it fondly. I'm sure Con-Man will too :)
And I miss beds that have storage under them, such a waste of space when you don't have that, could solve so much storage issues I got in my apartment right now!
Can't wait to see your next piece of furniture, even if it's in a long time.

Mally said... 4

Wow Amazing for your first woodworking project. It looks very professional. So functional. Love it.

Mally said... 5
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Kellie Collis said... 6

Lovely bed! Was about to ask about the bed rails but you said this is just for the photos. Have a delightful day, Kellie xx

Courtney said... 7

Awesome Rachelle!! You have no fear when it comes to building, you are inspiring!! Well done and thanks for sharing this!
Happy Easter!

ShirleyRunner said... 8

wow this amazing I love how the bed turned out. Great job.

Ashley@AttemptsAtDomestication said... 9

Great job! It looks so great and I love the storage! I'm also really digging the bedding! I've seen a lot of orange in boy's rooms lately and I love it!

Cassie Bustamante said... 10

WOW! that is fabulous! i love the bedding, too!

Stacey said... 11

Looks great! Crisp and clean!
Would love if you came by to link up to my party!
I would love to have you there!
Stacey of Embracing Change

Andrea @ Decorating Cents said... 12

Wow, this looks awesome. I really need to get me some heavy power tools.

Linda @ it all started with paint said... 13

I am beyond super impressed at your carpentry skills. Okay, and maybe a bit jealous too ...



Sarah @ Home Sweet said... 14

Wow, I'm seriously impressed with any woman who can hold her own in a workshop. I feel fairly confident with a sewing machine or a pair of scissors, but put me near a table saw and I tremble. This came out so amazing!

Alison Agnew said... 15


you did a fabulous job
on this knock off bed

i bet your little fella
adores it!

thanks for sharing
at Fridays Unfolded!


Margo said... 16

This is so cool!

The Kim Six Fix said... 17

Wow! I love it! You did a beautiful job and explained your modifications so well. I'm really impressed!

Rachel said... 18

What a great job you've done!! I've wanted to make this bed for a while for my son. Thanks for sharing your modifications. I'll be referring back. {If I ever get the time and money to make one} Thanks so much for linking up to Terrific Tuesdays.

Roeshel said... 19

Awesome job! I love that he "helped"! lol

Jessica said... 20

I love the bed, and I have a son that I call Con-man too!

anonymous said... 21

where did you get the bedspread?