Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unexpected Vaca

We've only been in Oklahoma for less than two weeks but we're taking off once again. As I've mentioned we moved here because the Hubs is in the Air Force, he's the new base Pediatrician! 

He's spent the last week or so inprocessing, and doesn't start work for another week. I meanwhile am still jobless (I wouldn't say Altus is the best place for an Interior Designer to find a job but I'm still holding out hope something pops up). So we thought that this would be a good time to take advantage of one of the perks the Air Force has to offer- Space-A travel!

We'll be flying on one of these bad boys for just a few dollars each! This week the mission is to Tacoma, WA. We requested a spot and are on our way! 

We've never been to Washington and we're excited. We have friends from college there, there's a lot to do, and it's only 60 degrees as opposed to Oklahoma 100's.

We have to fly like this but it's worth it- I can't wait to go and share our adventure with you!


Monica said...

Wow! what a way to travel! I haven't been too many places outside of Missouri and feel your "heat" to get out of town,(live in southwest Missouri so between the tornado destruction and the heat we would love to go anywhere!) have fun and can't wait to see your pics!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Wow this is really cool! What an awesome way to travel!! Look forward to seeing pictures from your trip. Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed time!!

elyse said...

Hello leg room!!!! That looks like the best ever! No one kicking the back of your seat either.