Monday, May 6, 2013

It's Rug Time! (And another reason my husband thinks I'm nuts)

It's Rug Time, la la la, It's Rug Time! (Anyone else's kid watch Sid The Science Kid?) That song has been in my head for the past few days. 

Anyway- It's been rug time over at our house. I've been searching for a rug for a good while now. I even ordered one on Ebay then returned it after the colors in person were way different than the online colors... I swore afterwards that I would not order another rug based solely on online photos. Until I saw this one that is:

Swoon!!! It's the Pliant Laurel Rug from Anthroplogie. It had the perfect colors, it had an oriental rug feel with a modern twist. Just one problem, this rug had already been discontinued by the time I saw it. MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT.

I thought I was all out of luck until I took to Ebay and found the rugs for sale for more than half the original price!!! But another problem- the two on Ebay were only 3x5 and I needed something bigger than that.

So what did I do then? Give up? Nope! I ordered the two rugs since they were such a good deal. Then I somehow tracked down the original manufacturer of the rugs (in India BTW) and begged them to make me a third one. My thought was to piece the three together to make one large rug. 

So am I a total nut job too like my husband does? Is anyone else ever desperate enough for a rug to order 3 of them to make one big one?.

I think it looks good. I have them taped down and thought about sewing them together. I probably won't just in case the next time we move it will work to my benefit to have 3x5 rugs instead of a large one


Courtney said... 1

Iwould totally do the same!! We desperately need rugs here, but cannot find an affordable, huge one like we need. Am thinking 3 or 4 together is going to be my only option!

Ashley@AttemptsAtDomestication said... 2

This is totally something that I would do! That rug is great!

the cape on the corner said... 3

that is awesome that you tracked down the makers. this will look great as is or sewed together.

Feral Turtle said... 4

Love the pattern in your gorgeous rugs. I can see why you would be nuts for them!!!