Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Brass is Bad Ass(phalt)

Have you noticed it? The brass that has been creeping it's way back into decor? It's not the shiny brass of years past- but a honed, aged more sophisticated brass. It's popping up on hardware, furniture, and accessories.

It goes with anything like most metallic do. Unlike silver or chrome it's not cold feeling. And it's not overdone like gold.

I personally am jumping on this band wagon. No I'm not replacing every or spray painting every metallic accessory in my house. But I am making it an accent in our bedroom. As you can see on my $10 thrift store pendant light:

This antique solid brass fire hose nozzle. It was my grandfathers, he used to collect them from the refinery where he worked. When the fire trucks at the refinery were finished with the nozzles they used to throw them away; he would save them and had a bunch! Some were brass like this one others were solid nickel. I love having this piece of family history in our home.

And the brass accents on my TV Console:

 I am adding brass accents on our new unholstered headboard, but it's the kind of shiny fake brass I'm not a fan of:

I'm going to fix that shiny-ness and will be sharing with you soon!

Are you on the brass bandwagon? Or are you going to let it pass by?


Ashley@AttemptsAtDomestication said... 1

I discovered gold this week and now I'm obsessed with it as an accent. Which is weird because I used to be silver only.

Anonymous said... 2

Amazing ! I love it !