In our old house we had hung our TV above the fireplace, which worked for that room. In our new house the fireplace mantle is taller, and I didn't want to drill large holes in the wall since we're renting. So I needed something to place our TV on.
So I stole this credenza out of Con-Man's room.
I had bought it off Craigslist when I was doing his nursery. It was a dark walnut color and has a mirror that goes with it. I had painted it white because I used it as a changing table and it held all his clothes since the Hubs had to use the closet in that room since the one in our master was to small. It worked great for that purpose, but in our new house we have plenty of closet space and there's lots of room for Con-Man's clothes in his closet plus some. So instead of taking up floor space in his new room I'm repurposing the credenza in the living room.
I wanted to give it another update though. I thought stripping off the paint and re-staining the wood would give it a rich sophisticated feel and would go well with our furniture and the wood fireplace in the living room.
So that's what I've been up to this week:
More Stripping
Sanding and Sanding the night away
With some success!
I still have some finishing touches to work on, and I'm looking for some new knobs since the spray paint isn't coming off of the old ones very easily. Hoping to have this baby finished and ready to show off this weekend!
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