Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reclaimed Gym Floor Dining Table

Yes you read that correctly- GYM FLOOR DINING TABLE FINISHED!!!! Excuse me if I'm a little excited about this particular project because I've only been working on it for well over a year.


If you're not up to speed on the fabulousness that is the table see these posts:

But in a nutshell I found the flooring when the Base Gym was remodeling and loaded 3 5x5 sheets of flooring (by myself 5 months pregnant by the way.)

I will say that I learned an important lesson from this journey- DO NOT start a major project when you are pregnant and are already redoing your son's room and fixing up a nursery. Your pregnant brain cannot handle it, or mine couldn't at least. It took forever partly because I made a few wrong turns and mistakes along the way. But this was also one of the biggest furniture building undertakings I have tackled to mistakes were expected. 

About a month ago with the possibitly of a summer time move I made the decision to quit procrastinating on the table and just get it done! So wood working and welding has been my main focus lately. 

Boom- finished!!!

I sanded the wood down to it's natural color and sealed it with a water based sealant. I was going to do the steel frame shiny and brushed but once I got it all together I liked it in it's natural state. I basically just cleaned it up and sealed it to prevent rust and called it a day. I like the contrast of the light wood and dark metal.



Unknown said... 1

I am insanely jealous of this table!! And you are so lucky with that floor find! I've been wanting to find something like that to redo my fireplace. I would love it if you could come share over at my weekly link party!!

the cape on the corner said... 2

amazing job, and congrats on completing it!

Unknown said... 3

Hi Rachelle, that table is great! I admire the undertaking. I am a new linky follower and I followed you. I wanted to let you know and ask if you would follow me back at inspiringhomestyle. Since I am new, I am not real sure where I am supposed to leave you a message that I followed you. If I did it incorrectly, please let me know for I am trying to learn! Thank you!

Stephanie. said... 4

Awesome!! You are so so so talented!

Mally said... 5

I am so amazed at the beauty of this table. What an undertaking. It looks beautiful and fits in perfect with your decor. Great job.

Courtney said... 6

Fantastic Rachelle!! I could not even fathom how to weld or build a table on my own...this blows me away!
Good for you!!

Stones Throw Eats said... 7

Beautiful Rachelle! How did you join the pieces together and attach to the the legs? You mentioned glue.... Did you have to nail them down onto a plywood base? And the top looks really smooth and straight - no imperfections. You must have really sanded the pieces down to get them this way. Just beautiful!!

Stones Throw Eats said... 8

HI Rachelle - amazing job and so beautiful. I have a couple of questions for you. It looks like the top is so smooth. No gaps between boards and each board is snugged up against the next so evenly. One isnt higher than the other. How did you do that? And how is the tabletop set on top? Did you have to build a frame? Again - beautiful job!!