Sunday, March 16, 2014

Changes on the Horizon

Uncertainty in the air. 

That's what I've been dealing with lately. I have been feeling especially blessed lately with the design work I have been fortunate enough to been given. It's something I've wanted since we moved to Altus and I feel like I've finally found a little niche.

With that being said our world is about to change again soon. As you may know Hubs is in the Air Force and his commitment is ending in about a year. Instead of signing on to further our military career he wants to do extra training in Peds Hemotology, which means extra school. He has been interviewing at different hospitals that offer the fellowships in the field as the Air Force is not offering an opportunity to train for another few years.

So this means another move in about a year. 

Which overall is great! All the hospitals he is looking at are in big cities (we'll live in civilization again!) we are mainly looking in Southern states so we'll be closer to home, and since he'll be getting paid a residents salary for a few years I'll be going back to work.

Yay! It may sound weird to some but I like working. I liked what I was doing in the world of design and was sad to leave it when we moved to Altus. But on the other hand I'm kind of freaked out. It will have been 4 years since I've worked in an office environment. I know technology has already changed a lot- computer programs that my previous office was only considering using and training us on is now an expectation. I know I've forgotten a lot of the technical design knowledge I had since I have not had to use it for the last 3 years. So even though I'm middle aged (ahem...) and had worked in the field for a while before leaving; I feel like I'll be starting back down at the bottom of the totem pole with the newbies.

It's scary. Will anyone hire me? Will I remember anything?? I know it will be hard making the adjustment back to the 9-5 world. I'm already having a mild freak out. 

Luckily we find out where we are going in a few months. So we have time to prepare- find a house, find schools for the kids, find a JOB. 

Though I'm nervous I am trying to plan a bit a head. I want to take some computer training classes to learn the design programs I have been missing out on. I need to work on building my portfolio so I have something to show in interviews. 

And most of all not worry to much. I know we will go where God is intending us to go and he will take care of us along the way.

How do you deal with big life changes? 


the cape on the corner said... 1

oh man, that sounds stressful and exciting at the same time. i hope you get to continue your design avenue with your full time work.

Marian Frizzell said... 2

You are going to do great. I can't wait to see what's next for you!

Feral Turtle said... 3
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Feral Turtle said... 4
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Feral Turtle said... 5
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Feral Turtle said... 6

Sorry having computer issues. Just wanted to wish you luck with everything!!