Thursday, March 6, 2014

Modern Masculine Office Loft

Hey Friends! I'm back with another design mood board- hope I'm not boring you too much with these lately. I haven't had time for much DIY with my work load suddenly picking up steam. 

I am enjoying the ride though. It's nice to be doing some design work again!

This client is a hotel broker who wanted to update his office. He spends a lot of time there and is hiring an assistant was is ready to spruce the place up a bit. It is a pretty cool office space with brick and big windows. (which you can't see well from the pics but oh well)

The only thing we can't change is the ceiling- the landlord won't allow it. But new flooring is an option as well as paint. The client also wanted to create a separation between him and his new assistant. So here are the floor plans:

Basically the plan is to give him some privacy by building a wall between the two rooms. We are also building out a cabinet and counter to make space for a fridge and coffee maker, and closing up the rear door.

The next step was looking at new furniture options. The client needed a new desk for his assistant, a couch and chair, and art work all to go with his existing desk.

Option 1:

Option 2:

We discussed wood flooring for the office but it doesn't look like it will be in the budget. So far the client has bought the chair and coffee table from Option 2 and all the art work!

We are still making some tweaks to the furniture selections but this project is moving right along. 

What do you think? Which option would you have gone with?


the cape on the corner said... 1

they both look good, and I like different things in both! I love the blue in the first one, yet the grays in the second give it some sophistication.

Feral Turtle said... 2

I like both designs too. Although I think I like the L shaped desk so the assistant will face the door. I love the hotel inspired key holder. It is gorgeous. I guess I am leaning towards #1 but I think I would choose the couch and chair from 2. Both great designs Rachelle.