Friday, March 7, 2014

What I've Been Watching

Ok- I know I am late to the game (like 3 seasons late) but does anyone else watch Walking Dead? OMG I am so freaked out by this show but I cannot stop watching it. Hubs and I are only about halfway through season 1 (thanks Netflix!) but I am hooked.

I am not usually freaked out by scary movies or horror films but something about this show really gets to me. I have a hard time watching it but I need to know what is going to happen to them! Do they ever figure out how to stop the zombies? How did all this happen in the first place? Wait- don't tell me! 

And I am still kind of upset with Lori Grimes getting it on with her husbands best friend even though she thought he was dead. Hadn't it only been like a week before he came back?? 


On a lighter note I've also been enjoying the new season of Rehab Addict. I love old houses and Nicole Curtis is my idol! I want to be like her- to know so much about old homes and how to fix them up. And she seems like so much fun.

I love how she brings old houses back to their former glory- 

That is all for me right now. We have one nice day of weather here in OK before the temperature goes back down to freezing again and me and the kids are taking advantage of it. Literally one day! I am so ready for spring!


Feral Turtle said... 1

I love The Walking Dead!! An excellent show. Also I have to thank you for recommending Homeland. Both hubby and I were addicted right from episode one. Looks like we have the same taste in shows cuz I love Rehab Addict You should probably check out Orange is the New Black and House of Cards! :)

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said... 2

I love Rehab Addict! I do lots of it in my own home :-)

Katy said... 3

I got hooked on the walking dead on Netflix too, but I'm still halfway through this season, about 6 episodes behind. I still think season 1 was my favorite!

Courtney said... 4

havent seen walking dead, but think I'd like it!!
we're hooked on revolution at the it!

the cape on the corner said... 5

all i ever see is reruns of rehab addict, but i do like that show.