Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Paint Sample Wall Art

I was out garage sale-ing the other day (still looking for those elusive dining chairs....) when I came across this:

It's some kind of board that used to hold letters for printing newspapers. Only a few of the pieces are left, a few symbols and numbers. But I thought it was interesting and had potential.

At first I was going to follow my "I am only shopping for chairs and nothing else" rule but I really liked this. And the guy selling it was willing to go down from $15 to $12 which I thought was a good deal. So I bought it!

My plan was to use the old paint samples I had from when I was deciding on colors for our house to add some color to the board. Each chip was actually an 8.5 x 11 sheet so I had a lot to play with.

I started by measuring the spaces of each strip. Each one was different so I had to be sure I measured correctly.

After all my measuring I cut my paint strips.

Finally I glued them all down and hung it up! Easy!

Without Letters.

With Letters.

And an overall shot.

I really like it, and for only $12 I like it even more! What do you think? Should I keep it with the letters or without?

Linking to The CSI Project!


{northern cottage} said... 1

I'm so jealous - this is junky gorgeous and the background colors you chose are perfect!

Unknown said... 2

I love the printers tray, it looks lovely revamped too!

Miss Chelsea said... 3

This is so cute!

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said... 4

What a cool find!! Don't you love garage sales?!

Shannon said... 5

Very cool find. I'd keep the letters--they add charm.

Erin W said... 6

LOVE IT! Keep the letters!! I like how they complement the edges of the paper!

Mally said... 7

This is so cute. It looks like it is painted instead of paper strips. I like the letters too. I'd keep them. Very cool idea.

Korrie@RedHenHome said... 8

Another vote for the letters! It makes it a totally unique piece of art. Thanks for visiting Red Hen Home!

The Elephant Nest said... 9

Wow that looks excellent on your wall. You are very creative! Nice colors too!

Nikki said... 10

That looks AWESOME! Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

LV said... 11

What a remarkable transformation you did with that board. It amazes me how talented some of your are. Taking things and turning them into a piece of art.

Life, Crafts and Whatever said... 12

OMG Rachelle, I'm so jealous of your find! You made it so super cute! I love the colors you picked out too. I'm new to blogging, I'd love to have you visit!

Wendy said... 13

Very cute for 12 $$. I like it with the letters, makes it more interesting!

nicolette {momnivores dilemma} said... 14

And this piece did live up to its potential!

If you have a moment, please link this up to Creative Juice Thursday...

nicolette @

Denise said... 15

You got quite a bargain. And you've made something special with it.
Happy New Years

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said... 16

I love this! I would defiantly keep the letters they add a lot to it's uniqueness.

AllieMakes! said... 17

So cool! I like the letters! Keep them!
You should come link this up to my weekly Thursday through Sunday Making It With Allie Link Party! I think it would make a Fabulous addition!

I {heart} Nap Time said... 18

What a fun project! Love this!! You are very creative!

Ashley said... 19

What a great find! Looks great on your wall. I love it with the letters.

Margie said... 20

I LOVE it! I worked in the printing business, setting type for medical journals, so I absolutely LOVE this printers tray! I vote for you to DEFINITELY keep the letters on it! You did a WONDERFUL job!

Have a Happy New Year!

Unknown said... 21

Thanks for the advice everyone, I'm going to keep the letters on. I think they add a lot of character to the piece.

gail@My Repurposed Life said... 22

really cool art! that's a great find.
thanks for linking up!

Unknown said... 23

This is so cool!! Hank you linking up to MMM! Happy 2011 :)

Anonymous said... 24

adorable! definitely keep the letters - it's an homage to the original purpose of the item. Great repurposing!

Ginger said... 25

Looks cool! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

Donnie said... 26

What a great redo. I like it with the letters and you may be able to find more in an antique shop or flea market. Love it.

Sherrie said... 27

It reminds me of an Arts and Craft piece. Keep the letters. I love it just how you showed it. Thanks for sharing.

Laurel@ChippingwithCharm said... 28

Amazing find...yes, definitely keep the letters :)
Visiting from NTT...have a good night, Laurel@chippingwithcharm

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said... 29

What a great way to create a fun piece of art!

WhisperWood Cottage said... 30

Great find!

Michelle@ A Full Cottage said... 31

This is so cool. I really like it with the numbers.

PLease stop by my blog I am having a big giveaway.

:) Michelle

Funky Junk Interiors said... 32

You've created a great piece of art! Your take is really neat! I also love it without the colour... this idea is facinating! I want one. :)


Foundinthe-ALI said... 33

This is wonderful!

Keep the letters for sure.
