Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Salvaged Barn Wood Sign

Thanks for all the great replies to my Design Trend post! I myself try to do my own thing when it comes to decorating- I like to think my style is unique. But I love to look at what other people are doing and see what cool new trends come along each year. It's neat to hear how other people feel about it too.

Today I wanted to share a fun project I made out of some salvaged barn wood. I scored it a few months ago when I was searching for some salvaged wood for my coffee table project. I was at my favorite salvage shop when I saw these guys sitting out front:

I asked the owner about them- he said it was pieces of wood from an old barn. I asked how much he wanted for them- and he said I could just have them!! SCORE!

This was back in October and I finally did something with one of the pieces. They are both pretty large and I thought the rectangular one would make a really cool sign I could sell on consignment. I wanted to keep them as rustic as possible because I really like the character it has. So I gave it a light sanding and cleaned up any cobwebs and junk on it.

Then I smeared a bunch of Gorilla Wood Glue on the back to fill in any crevices. I did this to to try and make it more study and strong.

Once the wood was all prepped I used my Silhouette to create a "HOME" cut out and painted it white with some DecoArt paints.

Next I sanded the wording down a little to give it an aged vintage look.

Next to add a little whimsy I again used my Silhouette to cut out a Fleur De Lis and painted it gold.

Then I used some clear sealant and sealed the whole thing. It gave the wood a rich look.

I think it turned out pretty cool and hopefully someone else will too!  

Oh Oh OH! I almost forgot- this past weekend I started work in Con-Man's new Big Boy Bed! I got a lot done in the short amount of time I was there. Check it out!

Those 2 boxes are the bottom part of this:

Oh and guess what else! I'm super pumped because we're are leaving for a family vacation to Disney World tomorrow! The hubs and I haven't been since we were small, and it will be Con-Man's first time going. I can't wait! But not to worry- I have lots of posts lined up in the meantime. So if I don't respond to something right away it's not that I'm ignoring you; it's because I'm schmoozing it up with Mickey Mouse. :D

*Due to the large amount of spam comments have been disabled*


Unknown said... 1

Awesome DIY! It looks great

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said... 2

Wow! Doesn't that just make your day, those simple words . . . "no charge"??! Love the sign and the fleur de lis!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said... 3

Oh it turned out so great! Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed time!!

Sherry said... 4

I think it turned out great. Hope you have a wonderful trip!

Ashley@AttemptsAtDomestication said... 5

The sign looks awesome! And I'm so jealous that you're going to Disney! Jesse and I have been wanting to go back since the day we left in May! Have a blast! :)

Anonymous said... 6

Love your wood sign! Reclaimed wood gives such a warm, rustic touch to a room.

Roeshel said... 7

Love it! Reclaimed barnwood has so much character and your sign is beautiful!

Cassie Bustamante said... 8

i love that rustic piece! it looks awesome!

Roeshel said... 9

Hi Rachelle! Just a head's up that I'm linking back in the DIY highlights! Enjoy the weekend! Roeshel

Anonymous said... 10

Great sign - you've done a lovely job!

aimee said... 11

i love your sign its great,thanks for the fab tutorial, i would love for you to link this up at

im your newest linky follower xxx

Unknown said... 12

Hi Rachal. I just saw your link on Handy Man and Crafty Woman I just love your sign. You did a terrific job and I learned something with the glue. I did a sign to this week. I love your old barn wood. Now I'm your new linky follower. I hope you'll stop by and visit me too.

Hugs...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

Tammy said... 13

That is a cool piece of barn wood! I love your sign! Thank you so much for linking this up to Rustic Restorations Weekend!!!